Tips for Dog-Proofing Your Home | SMS Dallas

Tips for Dog-Proofing Your Home

Tips for Dog-Proofing Your Home

Creating a safe home is a top priority that we all can get behind. Whether you’ve got a blossoming family or it’s just you and your furry friend, making your home a safe place is vital. Dog-proofing is more than just laying out a fluffy bed and putting a water bowl in a safe place. With these tips, you’ll feel confident that your home will be more than perfect for you and your fur baby.

Considerations Before Pet-Proofing

Before getting to work, you can do a few things to make dog-proofing your home a breeze. It’s essential to get on your dog’s level and try to see your house from their perspective. Explore your home on their level and make note of any dangerous or enticing items you see. If you can see it, they probably can, too, and it’s best to move these items while dog-proofing to minimize chaos.

Furthermore, consider what choices, changes, and accommodations you must make for comfortable living. Do you have an elderly dog? Consider accommodations for steps and high places to make it easier for them to get around. Does your dog excessively shed? Add a top sheet to the furniture to make cleaning simpler. These choices may be small but will become detrimental for your pup and be helpful in the rest of your process.

Let’s take a deep dive into each room of your crash pad to prepare them to home a furry friend perfectly.

Tips for Dog-Proofing Your Home

Room-By-Room Guide

Living Room

At first glance, you may not think there’s much trouble your pup could get into in the living room. Well, you might be surprised to know this room has a ton of non-conventional chew toys. Keep cords out of reach and use covers on any outlets not in use. If you have any reclining furniture, ensure no pets are underneath and it’s safe before closing.

Make sure to be mindful of your pup’s senses. Remove overwhelming scents like home perfumes, essential oils, or colognes that could irritate your pet, and if you own candles, do not leave them lit around your dog without supervision. Find a secluded space for any plants that could create injury or illness to Fido. Close windows when leaving the house to prevent curious puppies from getting lost. Keep children’s toys and other small knick-knacks off the floor so they don’t become your furry friend’s new favorite toy.


The kitchen is the perfect place to designate your pup’s daily needs. Most pet owners feed their dogs in the kitchen because the area is usually simple to clean. However, it’s important to make sure this area is in tip-top shape to guarantee safety for you and your furry counterpart—secure human and pet food to prevent overeating or the consumption of dangerous foods like chocolate or grapes.

Keep your countertops and dining table clear; a dirty countertop could entice a curious doggy, but it would be a shame if what they got into was harmful. On that same note, keep cleaning supplies, dishwasher detergent, and other toxic chemicals locked away or out of reach. Dispose of garbage frequently to reduce pet curiosity. Lastly, keep choking hazards like sponges, twisty ties, and bags out of reach. We also recommend cutting bags to keep pups from suffocating. 


Depending on where you leave their dog bed, your bedroom could be Fido’s, too! Keep personal items out of reach. Your pooch could find toxic items like nicotine, medication, xylitol, or feminine hygiene products and become very ill. Socks and other intimates must be stored away to lessen the chance of an intestinal block from an unconventional snack. The bottom line is, if you have something important out in your bedroom, make sure it is safely out of reach!

Tips for Dog-Proofing Your Home

Bathroom and Laundry Room

Generally speaking, your dog does not need access to the bathroom. However, if you choose to make this area accessible, you’ll feel confident that your pet will be safe and comfortable. Keep the toilet shut and the nearby trashcan covered to reduce the use of an unconventional water bowl and “treats.” Keep your medicine cabinet organized, and take meds over the sink. If you were to drop medication accidentally, it’s less likely that your pet could get ahold of it if it were to fall into the sink. Toilet paper should be stored away.

Keep detergent, dryer sheets, and other chemicals out of reach when doing laundry. Close machinery not in use to prevent entrapment. Finally, as we mentioned previously, keep dirty clothes out of reach. Curious pups may tear through the laundry or eat and cause blockages.


Your yard serves as your furry family members’ bathroom and play place. Keep your yard lush and safe with these suggestions: Double-check that fences or barriers are in good condition. Block access to balconies and other dangerous areas or dangerous machinery, including lawnmowers, grills/griddles, and gardening tools. If your pet likes to swim, keep a close eye on them in large bodies of water to ensure their safety! And, of course, frequently take trips with the pooper-scooper through your yard to keep your pup’s bathroom fresh and keep them fresh, too!

Tips for Dog-Proofing Your Home

With these simple tips, your doggy will feel right at home and, most importantly, safe. Dog-proofing your home allows you to enjoy family time with your pup without the stress of all the possibilities. Enjoy some stress-free time with your canine—you deserve it!